Sunday 5pm Service

We exist to spread a passion for Jesus, His people, and His purposes in the earth.

We believe that the Lord wants to set lonely hearts in community in our city.  We need family. Our church family meets together through our Sunday services and our mid-week Lifegroups - we hope you’ll join us! You are welcome here.

“God places the lonely in families; he sets the prisoners free and gives them joy.”

— Psalm 68:6

Sundays in the Heights

Join us on Sundays as we gather for passionate worship, biblical teaching, and an emphasis on living out the Word of God in community. We meet at 1035 E. 11th Street on Sunday evenings at 5pm.

Connect in Lifegroup

Our weekly groups that meet house-to-house - called "Lifegroups" - are at the core of who we are. These groups, modeled from the description of the early church in Acts 2:42-47, give us the opportunity to live "life-on-life" together. We have groups that meet across the Inner Loop and Northwest Houston area. We would love to help you get connected to the family!

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