Core Group Guide

  • A Core Group (CG) is a group of 3-4 individuals from the same Lifegroup who meet together for intentional discipleship around Antioch Central Houston’s Core Values. In this confidential, same-gender, safe environment people can share their deep longings, struggles and dreams and receive prayer and encouragement from others. New LG members will join an existing CG. If a group consistently has 5-6, the CG multiplies into two groups.

    If you are going to be facilitating a Core Group, check out our Core Group Facilitator’s Training!

  • It is crucial that group members have the opportunity to know each other deeply. At your first meeting, each person should spend up to 10 minutes sharing a few significant parts of their life journey (family of origin, significant others, faith background). The Core Group Facilitator (CGF) should go first to set the tone for honest sharing in the group. Minister to one another through prayer and encouragement after each person shares.

    Example: Share three high points and three low points that have shaped your journey so far.

    Set the expectation for future meetings by sharing the three values that will guide each meeting time (see below). Also cast vision for what will help the group be successful: consistent meetings, a growth mindset, and ministering to one another. This will require each member to be committed, teachable, and vulnerable. You can also stress that the group is confidential so long as there is not life-threatening information shared.

1. Opening

Take 5 minutes to have each person briefly share how they’re entering the group time (highs/lows, confession of sins or things weighing them down, praise reports, etc.).
Then have someone pray for any immediate needs as well as for the group time.

2. Core Questions

Core Group Facilitators (CGF) facilitate a time of ministering to each member as they answer the Core Questions. The questions are broken into 3 values (Know & Love God, Love One Another, and Make Disciples). Cover each value every time you meet.

For every value, read the Bible passage together to help set the tone for that value. Then, work through the Core Questions to process as a group. Take turns for each person to share, then go on to the next value.

Value #1:
Know & Love God

  • Psalm 18:1-2

    1. In reflecting on this passage, what does the Lord bring to mind? Has he revealed Himself as a refuge and shield for you or anyone around you recently? How so?

    2. Are there any ways that you specifically need the Lord to be your rock, refuge or deliverer in this season? Pray for each person who shares.

  • Know & Love God Core Group Guide: This detailed guide can be used to facilitate an entire core group meeting that dives into the heart of this core value. The discussion point focuses on this value, but make sure you cover all three. If the group is new or consists of young believers, keep the discussion simple with a couple of questions per passage. If the group wants more depth, feel free to check out the other scriptures and concepts that are referenced. All of the approaches in this guide can be used in an ordinary core group meeting.

    Devotion Through Spiritual Disciplines Core Group Guide: This detailed guide can be used to facilitate an entire core group meeting that dives into practically living out this core value. The discussion point focuses on this value, but make sure you cover all three. There are two options for talking about Spiritual Disciplines, including an article that gives a comprehensive list and summaries of approaches from books on the topic. All of the approaches in this guide can be used in an ordinary core group meeting.

    Alone with God: This resource will guide you into seeking God personally and practically through Worship, Prayer and His Word. We desire that everyone at Antioch would spend intentional time with God daily so that we can better abide in and encounter Him throughout our day.

Value #2:
Love One Another

  • Philippians 2:5-8

    1. Last time we met, we shared how the Lord was leading us to follow His example of service in our lives. How has living that out been?

    2. In reading this passage, how can we continue to hold one another to Jesus’ standard of service?

  • Love One Another Core Group Guide: This detailed guide can be used to facilitate an entire core group meeting that dives into this core value. The discussion point focuses on this value, but make sure you cover all three. Use the hints and other details to supplement your conversation as needed. This meeting should involve a lot of space for confession, repentance, and ministry.

    One Thing Parenting Podcast: In lieu of a question during the “Love One Another” portion of your meeting, hear from Antioch Movement leaders as they share their wisdom and practicals for discipling kids to know God.

    Time with God: This resource from Antioch Waco will guide you into seeking God personally and practically through Word, Worship, Prayer and Listening. We desire that everyone at Antioch would spend intentional time with God daily so that we can better abide in and encounter Him throughout our day.

Value #3:
Make Disciples

  • Acts 10:25-45

  • In silence, ask God “What do you want me to know from this passage?”

    1. What did God bring to mind from this passage?

    2. How would you summarize the gospel in one sentence? Take a few minutes to let each person craft their sentence in silence then share.

    3. How would you summarize your testimony in one sentence? Take a few minutes to let each person craft their sentence in silence then share.

    Take a moment to ask God how you should respond to what He has revealed to you. Come up with an “I will…” statement and share it with each other.

  • Make Disciples Core Group Guide: This detailed guide can be used to facilitate an entire core group meeting that breaks down this core value. The discussion point focuses on this value, but make sure you cover all three. If the group is new or consists of young believers, use the detailed instructions to help show some of the basic concepts. Make sure the time ends with a clear application for each individual or for the collective group.

    Relational Evangelism Series: In lieu of a question during the “Make Disciples” portion of your meeting, pick one of the principles in this video series to guide an outward-focussed discussion on being a good friend with those who don’t know Jesus. The videos are less than 4 minutes and include specific discussion and application questions. Activation is key, so ensure that is the result of your discussion.

    Life Conversation Guide App: In lieu of a question during the “Make Disciples” portion of your meeting, use the life conversation guide app to help you learn some valuable tools for sharing the gospel, including the three circles presentation. Feel free to practice it together, compare it with other tools, and prayerfully ask God who He would have you share it with this week. Bottom line, we should feel confident in sharing the gospel!

3. Closing Ministry Time

After working through the Core Values, minister to one another to close the meeting. If something surfaces before the closing ministry time, anyone in the group can initiate prayer and ministry for a group member. The CGF facilitates the transitions and ministry moments that surface as people share.